OpenBook is a Firefox add-on that promises to customize users' bookmarking experience. While it does work--to some extent--it doesn't do everything it promises, and doesn't make much of an effort to help you use it. In the end, it's a bit disappointing.
Firefox automatically installs add-ons like OpenBook when you download them, and you access and configure them from the Firefox add-on menu. OpenBook's interface consists of a small selection of check boxes and radio buttons. You can choose which components of Firefox's bookmarking dialogue you want OpenBook to display, including the keyword, URL, and description textboxes, the tags box, and the resizer. You can also choose whether the bookmarks tree opens automatically.
Unfortunately, what seemed like it would be the program's most useful feature, the capability to bypass the bookmarking dialogue completely, was nowhere to be found. We went to the publisher's Web site, where we found something resembling a Help file, but it was for an older version of OpenBook that didn't share the same interface. It didn't mention the dialogue bypass feature either. Overall, we weren't terribly impressed with OpenBook; it didn't seem to do anything to enhance the Firefox bookmarking experience.
OpenBook is free. It installs and uninstalls without issues. We recommend this Firefox add-on with reservations; it works, for the most part, but we didn't find it very helpful.
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